INFP 5w4 (The Complete Guide)

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INFP 5w4 (The Complete Guide)

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INFPs are one of the most intriguing types in the MBTI. Their ability to be kind and passionate about the things they love can be very appealing. When compared with the enneagram of personality, INFPs predominantly identify as type 4w5s. However, a small number identify themselves as INFP 5w4.

So what can you expect from an INFP 5w4?

What are INFP 5w4 like?

INFP 5w4 are very curious people. Just like a type 5, they yearn to be self-sufficient and competent. Thus, they often spend hours reading and gathering information on things they are passionate about.

While INFPs generally are seen as a feeler type, INFP 5w4s go against the stereotype. Thus, they often put logic ahead of emotions.

It is not surprising then that most INFP 5w4 will often mistake themselves to be INTPs. Enneagram 5 wing 4 is also an unusual pairing for INFPs.

The introverted feeling (Fi) which is seen in INFP does not necessarily correspond with the 5w4 tendencies. Type 5 is also very rational. Thus, INFPs who have earned the reputation of being emotional might rarely fit into this box.

One reason why INFPs can be 5w4s is because of a strong Fi. When their Fi is quite strong, it can look like the introverted thinking function (Ti)

INFP 5w4s are more realistic and take a direct approach to life.

Is INFP 5w4 Rare?

INFP 5w4 is quite rare. They make up less than 1% of the world’s population. It is often quite unusual for INFPs to identify as 5w4. However, when it does happen, it creates an interesting personality.

What is the Basic Desire of INFP 5w4?

The basic desire of the INFP 5w4 is to be competent. They strive to achieve this by being extremely capable in the career or relationship they have chosen.

What is the Basic Fear of INFP 5w4?

The basic fear of INFP 5w4 is to be incompetent in taking care of their needs and being seen as ordinary. They try to combat this by gathering as much information as they can on various subjects.

Unlike the INFP 4w5, the need to be unique often takes the backseat with this sub-type.

How the 5w4 Changes the Natural Tendencies of the INFP 1.      More Rational

The most obvious tendency is their approach to making decisions. They will often prioritize logic and reasoning first before emotions.

Thus, they will make decisions that are logically sound most of the time. Because they are still INFPs, they will also consider the feelings of others.

They will strive to find ways to make logical decisions that do not hurt people. So, in a sense, this is one of the softer rational types.

2.      More Aloof

INFPs are often regarded as the kindest and sweetest MBTI type. However, there’s a stark change with the INFP 5w4. They might appear more aloof or even unapproachable.

This does not mean that they do not care about those around them. Most times, they simply prefer to be alone. Other times, their faces might not portray the emotions they feel inside.

3.      Difficulty Depending on Others

INFP 5w4s might struggle to rely on others. To an INFP 5w4, depending on others might seem weak or being a burden.

Thus, this type might have serious emotional and physical needs. They just won’t express it. This can become a problem if they are facing the INFP dark side.

If you know an INFP who is going through this issue, they should probably seek out a therapist as soon as they can.

So, while they might have deep emotional turmoil, the type 5’s need to be competent suppresses it.

4.      Analytical

INFP 5w4s are more analytical. One of the biggest stereotypes about the INFP is they spend the majority of their time fantasizing.

However, this type spends that time thinking about various concepts. They are much more analytical and will get along with the thinker types better than other INFPs.

5.      More Assertive

INFP 5w4 is more direct and open about their views. While there are introverts, they often have stronger views about certain issues and matters.

The tendency of INFPs to seek peace or withdraw in times of conflict is drastically reduced in the INFP 5w4. Instead, they are more likely to express themselves assertively.

INFPs are still introverts. So, they will often choose to remain quiet if they feel the issue is none of their business.

New Weaknesses of the INFP 5w4 1.      Less Considerate

INFPs are very considerate people. That reduces when they are 5w4s. This does not mean that they are inconsiderate people.

It simply means that they are more self-preservative. Thus, they often look out for their own interests first before others.

2.      Harsh

INFPs are generally said to be sweet and kind. However, INFP 5w4 is slightly different. While they are also kind, they also like to say things as they are.

Thus, INFP 5w4 are more likely to express themselves bluntly when speaking with others. This might often seem harsh to more sensitive types.

While this is true, INFPs are still INFPs. So, they might never be as blunt as the INTP 5w4.

3.      Less Creative

Don’t get this wrong. INFP 5w4s are also very creative people. However, they do not reach the same heights as INFP 4w5s.

This is often because creativity and the need to express themselves uniquely take second place in their lives.

To them, their first point of call is to ensure they are self-sufficient and can survive independently.

INFP 5w4 vs INFP 4w5

Wondering if you are an INFP 4w5 or INFP 5w4? Here are some of their main differences.

INFP 4w5INFP 5w4More interested in their quest for self-identityMore interested in their quest to learn new thingsINFP 4w5 looks more like INFJsINFP 5w4 looks more like INTPsINFP 4w5 Basic fear is to be ordinaryINFP 5w4 basic fear is being incompetentINFP 4w5 are more self-absorbedINFP 5w4 are more detached

To learn more about the INFP 4w5, you can click that link.

INFP 5w4 Female- Entering a World of Curiosity

The INFP 5w4 female is a rare INFP breed. While their traits are mostly the same as INFP 5w4 males, some traits are more pronounced than others.

Here are some things you can expect from INFP 5w4 females.

1.   Autonomy

INFP 5w4 females want space and freedom to explore. While this is true, they might assert this in a different way when compared to other extroverted types.

Their need for autonomy directly results from the need to be sufficient. While INFP 5w4 males are also similar, it’s more noticeable with INFP 5w4 females.

2.   Majority Are Big Feminists

This follows the last point. INFP 5w4 females will want to assert themselves in their careers. They also want to be treated equally or without discrimination. This naturally draws them to feminism.

While this is true, this does not mean that they become activists. It simply becomes one of their many values promoted/enhanced by their introverted feeling function.

3.   Need For Space

INFP 5w4 females will need a lot of space. Here’s why. First, they’re super introverts. This means they need to be alone to fully recharge.

Secondly, type 5 is known for having a lot of hobbies. Most of these hobbies are pursued alone. INFP 5w4 females also behave the same way.

Their need for space is necessary if they interact later in social gatherings.

4.   The Need to Explore

INFP 5w4 females are curious people. INFPSs have a rich inner world. This is further enhanced by type 5’s natural analytical skills.

Their curiosity means they are always trying new things. This might be more pronounced in INFP 5w4 females simply because of wrong societal norms and expectations placed on women.

5.   Private People

Despite the last point, INFP 5w4 females are generally private people. Their deepest emotions are reserved for the people they love.

Thus, they will look indifferent or aloof from the outside. However, you’ll see a completely different person when you get to know them.

Please don’t judge them.

INFP 5w4 in Love/Relationships

Are you dating or married to an INFP 5w4? Here are some things you might find interesting.

1.   Brains or Guts?

INFPs are hopeless romantics. Type 5s are not. This means they are literally a walking contradiction.

INFP 5w4s will deal with relationships weirdly, often going with their guts or logic, depending on the situation.

For example, the INFP 5w4 might decide to analyze their relationship if they feel something is off. On the other hand, they might be carried away when they meet their partner for the first time, often idealizing them.

2.   Love Languages

INFP 5w4’s top love languages are usually quality time and physical touch. However, it can be any of the five love languages. In case you’re wondering, love languages refer to how a person prefers to give and receive love.

It’s important to show your INFP 5w4 love using their love language. The best way to figure this out is by asking them or making them take the test.

3.   Communication Style

INFP 5w4s like to have direct conversations. However, they also see the need to be polite with their partners or people in general.

Thus, harsh conversations should be avoided. While they can take feedback better than most INFPs, feedback should be given in a tactful manner.

INFP 5w4s also enjoy abstract conversations. However, these abstract conversations should be geared toward things they enjoy.

For example, there’s no need to discuss the future of politics if your INFP 5w4 isn’t interested in politics simply because it’s an abstract concept.

4.   Their Need for Space Again

Again, the need for space is super important in their relationship. Here’s why. INFP 5w4s cannot deal with consistent social interactions. When this happens, the people who ultimately suffer are themselves and their partners.

If you don’t want to have a partner who’s constantly burnt out, let them be alone sometimes. It works, believe me.

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